Newbluemoon Arts

Art and Photography by Karen Jacobson

Thoughts and Things

February 22nd, 2021

So it begins. This is my new website, and includes a blog. I’m using it to showcase my paintings and photographs, and I hope you find them interesting. I like to talk about process (paintings) and share places (particularly with photos).

I’m reacquainting myself with my paints now that I’m retired. After many years working for a couple of local government entities, I’ll try to use my heretofore wasted education to make some art. A big influence on that decision is the pandemic: we can’t travel. I’ve been taking travel photos for awhile, and Coronavirus made all of us stop and stay home. So I had paints I hadn’t touched for years, and random art supplies piled up all over the basement. I suddenly decided to start again.

I thought it would be easy to park in front of a photograph and copy it as a painting. Not so much! I’m pretty rusty. I enjoy the process, though, and I’m relearning as I go.

One of the first pieces I did was a memorial picture of Mocha, our dog that passed away back in 2006. I painted her on a big rock.

One thing led to another, and I’ve done over a dozen paintings since the start of lockdown. I’ve also snuck out with Jake, our friend Liz, and the kids to take photos. I’ll share more later.

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